Greenhouse Update!

You may remember a post a few months back about how Britt and I totally cleaned and organized the storage shed behind our greenhouse. Well, the time has come to jump back into getting the greenhouse re-vamped and set up so that it’s ready to go when spring comes around!


The first thing anyone who has been into the greenhouse before would notice is that the stream bed is gone and there is what looks like a bunch of bleacher-type seats in it’s place. Well, it may look like we are getting ready to present a play to all of you lovely people as if the greenhouse were a theater, that is actually the beginnings of our plant’s new home! And don’t worry there will be more updates to come as we get further along in the process!


After you are able to move on to the new stream bed, you’ll notice is our new floors! All season last year we racked our brains trying to think up an new way to get different floors in the greenhouse and this is what we came up with. The mats are not as cushy as they may look, and are way better to walk on than the bare concrete, on top of that, they are way easier to clean and they bring in a lot more color into the greenhouse!


Finally, you may not notice, but we limited our shelf space, which may sound like a bad thing, but we are very excited to have more space!